Who we are

Selettra is a Southern Italian company operating in the Italian and foreign market. A young but rich in experience company, represented by a management team with a strong artisan and commercial tradition handed down from previous generations, operates as ESCo in the market for integrated services for energy saving, in the management of public lighting systems, in the design and construction of systems for the production of energy from renewable sources, in the construction of electrical and electronic systems.
The solutions it offers allow public and private citizens to save energy, reduce management costs, respect the environment, increase the efficiency and quality of services.
Professionalism, reliability, procedures and certified working methods make Selettra a qualified and reliable operator, a sure reference for the territories in which it operates.


Savings, productivity, quality of services, respect for the environment
Selettra makes available to its customers, both public and private, the technological and financial knowledge acquired at 360 degrees, proposing innovative solutions and strategies for reducing the energy costs of users, in compliance with the principles of economy, competitiveness and respect for the environment .
Reduce energy consumption in order to free up economic resources and generate new investments, thus creating a virtuous circle in which savings generate new jobs and new jobs, with important benefits for the community in terms of quality and efficiency of services and improvement of the environmental sustainability of actions.


Knowledge is awareness and understanding of the facts, truths or information obtained through experience or learning. In the context in which we operate, in order to obtain satisfactory results, it is essential to deepen our knowledge and acquire new skills.Learn to produce and use energy in a different way, to experiment with new lifestyle habits that respect the environment in which we live, through a collective effort of continuous training and technological innovation. Aware of working in sectors in deep and continuous evolution, we intend to achieve our objectives through a constant investment in the search for new and better technologies, consolidating our vocation for competition in international markets. We face each of our projects with great dedication and passion, following the specific needs of our customers with equal attention, always trying to combine mutual satisfaction with the interest of the communities and territories in which we operate.